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As a HYPNO-DOULA I’m here for every women who want to discover the power of autohypnosis for childbirth. I will help you to prepare your mind and body for this beautiful journey.

I’am going to show you how the power of your mind can make the birth of your baby a totally different experience,


If you are using one of the hypnobirth programs available nowdays, I will help you to learn from it even more effectevely. I can explain you how this programm works. Toghether with you I wil learn cue words and ancours, so during the birthing time I will help you stay in and deepen your hypnosis. If you do not want to buy a program, I will teach you simple and effective technics of deep relaxation, how to prepare your body and mind to give birth and also different technics to deal with your emotions including fear.

During the birth I will help you to maintain state of hyonosis, doesn;t matter what program you are using. I will also protect you from negative outside factors that could disturb your relaxed state.

More about hypno-doula's role during birthing time, and the difference between doula and hypno-doula you can find it here:Hypnobabies®

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